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Video: Wowza Announces GoCoder SDK App Challenge Winner

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到2016年流媒体西部的Almost Live. I'm here with James Jackson from Wowza. 这实际上是一个双重录音因为其中一个会在GoCoder上为大家直播, and one is going on Almost Live. James, you're announcing today the winner of the GoCoder SDK App Challenge. 在你说谁是赢家之前先告诉我这是什么.

James Jackson:
绝对. Wowza今年宣布推出我们的GoCoder SDK, 这可以加速你在任何Android或iOS设备上开发自己的直播移动应用程序. We announced the challenge at Streaming Media East, 我们说过会在流媒体西部宣布获胜者. Great to be here with you. We had a lot of interest in it. It's a really great thing we're really excited about.

如果我没理解错的话,你选出了一个赢家,还有几个荣誉奖. 你想先做荣誉奖然后再做优胜者吗, or do you want to go the other way around?

James Jackson:
I think we'll go the other way around. Folks have been waiting for a little bit. 正如我所说, we had a lot of interest, 我们收到了超过200个咨询,人们实际上在考虑用很多非常有创意的提交来建造东西. 获胜者来自一个名为Above Rocks的团体,这是一个免费的应用程序,有一个很棒的标语:开始狂欢. It's a great innovative app. It was the most innovative one that we saw. 它可以让人们进行直播,并将其与购物应用程序相结合.

它的运作方式是,一个有影响力的人可以在网上评论一个产品. Within the application itself, 该网红的追随者可以直接购买该产品, from a variety of retailers directly, inside the application. Really innovative solution. 事实上,我们的一位评论者差点不小心买了一件东西. It's really that easy to use. Really innovative.

Just real quick on Spree. This holiday season, 你的意思是,有人可以出去用手机做这件事——在商店里评论一件产品,然后有人可以转身在网上购买,或者来商店购买?

James Jackson: 绝对. They could do that immediately right there on the spot. It really enables a few different things. 这是客户支持的多级支持,我们认为这很好. 首先,你使零售商,真正能够把产品卖出去. 第二,你可以通过组合购买体验来支持购物者. 除此之外,它还为网红提供了额外的收入来源. 他们的追随者实际购买的东西实际上得到佣金基于这个应用程序.

Interesting. Sort of like an Amazon Associates model. Spree from Above Rocks is the winner. Who are the honorable mentions?

James Jackson:
We had a couple great honorable mentions. One, Oxagile, submitted one called the Challenge app. 在这种情况下,他们使用了GoCoder SDK来整合Unity引擎. 游戏开发者可以直接在引擎上开发游戏,并整合AR, VR, 360 streaming right inside of their application. 非常容易. Very seamlessly. To really accelerate their development lifecycle. We thought that was a really great one too.

Do you have other honorable mentions?

James Jackson:
Yeah, a couple other great ones. 尤其是beBee公司,他们有一个基于社交亲和力的专业网络应用. 和你看到的其他社交网站非常相似. They do affinity-based, 基于点赞和会员以及在任何时间点实际关注的人. 他们整合了Wowza GoCoder SDK,这样就可以发布他们所谓的“Live Buzz”." At any point in time, 和你有相同关系的人, 你展示“Live Buzz”,你就可以在你的社交网络引擎中与他们一起串流. Right there on the spot. Really great systems that we saw there. Really great entries. Really excited about them. 确实有一些创新的东西是我们自己从来没有想到过的.

神奇的. 这是2016年Stream Media West的现场直播. In the case of GoCoder, it's actually live.

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